Our mission is NOT to be fake meat but to be a really delicious, satisfying, and environmentally/socially conscious plant-based burger that is vegan and also gluten and soy free. Every day we are committed to bringing the highest level of energy, enthusiasm and knowledge to our product. Our goal is to bring plant-based food to a level that even the most carnivorous eaters will enjoy.
It is of the utmost importance that our ingredients and our mission be genuinely committed to a plant-based approach that is pure, simple and traceable. Community is an integral part of life and of any small business. Every person who chooses our burger is automatically a part of the Complete family. Their experience and well-being is our highest priority. We are here to support you on your journey to a more plant-rich diet. We believe that we work best when we work together and this will be apparent in our efforts to learn, grow and serve.
We are dedicated to maintaining sustainable business practices and consistently look for opportunities to positively impact our social and environmental surroundings. Our first step is our green initiative to develop local manufacturing in every major region of the U.S. This business model has multiple positive effects. Not only will it reduce our carbon footprint by reducing fossil fuel consumption in the shipping process, but it will allow our company to hire local, buy local and create community amongst our peers, forging relationships and stimulating local economies.
Developed by our founder Chef Jess as a way to use up a surplus of mushrooms growing on the farm she was working on, the Complete Burger TM has become a local sensation and is building a following on a national level. "Finding inspiration in such a magical place was the easy part, finding a way to share it with all of you was a little harder. We wouldn't be here without the inspiration of our co-founder Andrea (Drei). And as for this journey we are on, it is proving to be Complete-ly worth it." - Jess (Founder/Chef)